Read Me First
The PM (Private Messaging) Module is for private messaging between users
- PHP version >= 5.2.0
- XOOPS 2.5.3+
No special measures necessary, follow the standard installation process ? extract the xoopspartners folder into the ../modules directory. Install the module through Admin -> System Module -> Modules.
Detailed instructions on installing modules are available in the XOOPS Operations Manual (
Operating instructions
To set up this module you need to:
i) Enter your partner?s details ? including a URL for their website and (optionally) logo plus a short description (see ?Adding a partner?)
ii) Configure your preferences for the module (see ?Preferences?) and optionally the Partners block if you intend to use it (see ?Blocks?)
iii) Check that you have given your user groups the necessary module and block access rights to use this module. Group permissions are set through the Administration Menu -> System -> Groups.
Detailed instructions on configuring the access rights for user groups are available in the XOOPS Operations Manual (
Coming soon.