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File: css.class.php

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  Classes of Camilo Sperberg   CSS Stacker and Compressor   css.class.php   Download  
File: css.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class
Class: CSS Stacker and Compressor
Compact several CSS files into a single file
Author: By
Last change: updated to v1.3, basicly a lot of improvements, please check out the README.html file and check the examples (including a new one) for all the changes made.
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 11,319 bytes


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<?php /* CSStacker *************************************************************************** Current version: 1.3 *************************************************************************** css.class.php, a CSS optimizer and compressor Coded by unreal4u (Camilo Sperberg) Copyleft (c) 2010 Camilo Sperberg Released under the BSD License */ if (!isset($proc)) die('Sorry, direct access is not allowed!'); class CSStacker { private $files = array(); private $qCSS = 0; private $filename = ''; private $lastmod = ''; public $resetCSS = FALSE; // PUBLIC function that adds CSS files to the stack public function add($file) { if (is_array($file)) { foreach($file AS $a) if ($this->verify_original_css($a)) $this->qCSS++; } else if ($this->verify_original_css($file)) $this->qCSS++; } // PUBLIC function that does all the hard work public function printme($method = 'file',$force='') { if($this->qCSS > 0 AND ($method == 'file' OR $method == 'inline' OR $method == 'filename')) { if ($force == 'force') { $force = TRUE; $this->error('NOTICE','Cache creation is being forced!'); } else $force = FALSE; $this->filename = $this->get_cache_filename(); $this->lastmod = time(); $status = $this->status($method,$force); switch($status['act']) { CASE 1 : header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 304 Not Modified', TRUE, 304); $this->output_headers(); break; CASE 2 : ob_start(); header('Content-Type: text/css; charset='.CHARSET); $this->output_headers(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) AND GZIP_CONTENTS) { $enc = explode(',',str_replace(' ','',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])); if (in_array('gzip',$enc)) { header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); echo gzencode($status['css'],GZIP_LEVEL); return TRUE; } } echo $status['css']; header('Content-Length: '.ob_get_length()); ob_end_flush(); break; CASE 3 : echo $status['css']; break; CASE 4 : return $status['css']; break; } return 1; } return 0; } /* PRIVATE function that verifies if original CSS's can be readable or not */ private function verify_original_css($file) { $is_valid = TRUE; if (is_readable($file) AND !in_array($file,$this->files)) $this->files[] = $file; else { $is_valid = FALSE; if (!file_exists($file)) $this->error('WARNING','File "'.$file.'" doesn\'t exist'); else $this->error('FATAL','File "'.$file.'" exists but I cannot read it. Permission problems?'); } return $is_valid; } /* PRIVATE function that does several checks, and based on that returns a status code and the corresponding CSS */ private function status($method,$force) { $out = array('act' => '1', 'css' => FALSE); $cache_created = FALSE; $is_cache_valid = FALSE; if (USE_CSS_CACHE AND $force == FALSE) $is_cache_valid = $this->valid_cache(); else $force = TRUE; if ($is_cache_valid AND $force == FALSE) { if ($method == 'file' AND USE_CSS_CACHE AND USE_BROWSER_CACHE AND isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) == $this->lastmod) return $out; elseif ($method == 'filename') return array('act' => '4', 'css' => $this->filename); elseif ($method == 'inline') return array('act' => '3', 'css' => $this->get_cache()); else $out['act'] = 2; } elseif ($force == TRUE OR !$is_cache_valid) { $out['css'] = $this->compress(); if ($method == 'file') $out['act'] = 2; elseif ($method == 'inline') $out['act'] = 3; } if ($out['css'] !== FALSE) $cache_created = $this->create_cache($out['css']); else $out['css'] = $this->get_cache(); if ($method == 'filename') { $out['act'] = 4; $out['css'] = $cache_created; } return $out; } /* PRIVATE function that outputs the necesary browser cache headers */ private function output_headers() { header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$this->lastmod).' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age='.TIME_BROWSER_CACHE); header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',time() + TIME_BROWSER_CACHE).' GMT'); return TRUE; } /* PRIVATE function that checks if cache is still valid */ private function valid_cache($check = NULL) { if (!USE_CSS_CACHE) return FALSE; $is_valid = TRUE; if (!is_readable($this->filename)) { $is_valid = FALSE; if (!file_exists($this->filename)) $this->error('NOTICE','Cache file doesn\'t exist.'); else $this->error('FATAL','Couldn\'t read the cache file. Please check permissions!'); } if ($is_valid) foreach($this->files AS $a) if (filemtime($a) > filemtime($this->filename) AND $is_valid) $is_valid = FALSE; if (!empty($check) OR !$is_valid) return $is_valid; else { $this->lastmod = filemtime($this->filename); return $is_valid; } } /* PRIVATE function that creates or get an unique name for the cache based on original CSS filenames */ private function get_cache_filename() { $filename = ''; foreach($this->files AS $a) $filename .= $a; return CACHE_LOCATION.md5($filename).'.css'; } /* PRIVATE function that actually creates the cache file */ private function create_cache($contents) { $created = FALSE; if (is_writable(CACHE_LOCATION)) { if (USE_CSS_CACHE) { file_put_contents($this->filename,$contents); $created = $this->filename; } } else $this->error('WARNING','Cache location isn\'t writable'); return $created; } /* PRIVATE function that rescues the cache content */ private function get_cache() { $cache = FALSE; $recreate = FALSE; if (is_readable($this->filename)) { if (!$this->valid_cache(TRUE)) $recreate = TRUE; if ($recreate === FALSE) $cache = file_get_contents($this->filename); else { unlink($this->filename); $this->error('NOTICE','Cache file out-dated. Deleted so it can be recreated'); } } else { if(!file_exists($this->filename)) $this->error('NOTICE','Cache file doesn\'t exist'); else $this->error('WARNING','Cache file exists, but I could\'t read it. Permission or disk problems?'); } return $cache; } /* PRIVATE function that does several replaces in order to strip comments and remove some common unnecesary spaces */ private function compress() { if ($this->resetCSS) $out = 'html{color:#000;background:#FFF}body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fieldset,legend,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{margin:0;padding:0}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}fieldset,img{border:0}address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var{font-style:normal;font-weight:normal}li{list-style:none}caption,th{text-align:left}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%;font-weight:normal}q:before,q:after{content:\'\'}abbr,acronym{border:0;font-variant:normal}sup{vertical-align:text-top}sub{vertical-align:text-bottom}input,textarea,select{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-weight:inherit}input,textarea,select{*font-size:100%}legend{color:#000}'; // CSS reset is taken from Yahoo developer and optimized/compressed: // // Original file is the Global one, its size is 501 bytes, compressed to 343 bytes. else $out = ''; foreach($this->files AS $a) { $css_content = file_get_contents($a); if(strlen($css_content) > 94325) $tmp_buffer = str_split($css_content,94300); else $tmp_buffer[] = $css_content; // Why this? See: // Note that around that area it is impossible to do a good optimization! // If you happen to have such big CSS files, it would be better to separate it into smaller ones unset($css_content); $tmp_buffer = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!','',$tmp_buffer); // Strip out all comments $tmp_buffer = str_replace (array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' '),'',$tmp_buffer); // All enter types + additional white spaces if(OPTIMIZE_CSS === TRUE) $out .= $this->optimize($tmp_buffer); else { if(is_array($tmp_buffer)) { foreach($tmp_buffer AS $b) $out .= $b; unset($b); } else $out .= $tmp_buffer; } unset($tmp_buffer); } return $out; } /* PRIVATE function that goes a little further replacing color codes and some common colors with their color codes */ private function optimize($the_css) { $original = array(', ',' , ',';}','; }',' ; }',' :',': ',' {','; ', // Some common typos and unnecesary characters ':black',':dark grey',':fuchsia',':light grey',':orange',':white',':yellow'); // Come common colors which are shorter in hex $replace = array(',' ,',' ,'}' ,'}' ,'}' ,':' ,':' ,'{' ,';', // their replacements ':#000' ,':#666' ,':#F0F' ,':#CCC' ,':#F60' ,':#FFF' ,':#FF0'); $the_css = str_replace (array(' 0px',' 0em',' 0%',' 0ex',' 0cm',' 0mm',' 0in',' 0pt',' 0pc'),' 0',$the_css); $the_css = str_replace (array(':0px',':0em',':0%',':0ex',':0cm',':0mm',':0in',':0pt',':0pc'),':0',$the_css); // 0 needs no unit foreach($the_css AS $a) { // Color code optimization. Ex: #334455 -> #345 $how_many = substr_count($a,'#'); $offset = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $how_many; $i++) { $from = strpos($a,'#',$offset) + 1; $tmp = substr($a,$from,6); $k = strlen($tmp); for ($j = 0; $j < $k + 1; $j++) { if ($j % 2 != 0) if ($pre[$j - 1] == $tmp{$j}) $pre[] = TRUE; else $pre[] = FALSE; elseif ($j != $k) $pre[] = $tmp{$j}; } if ($pre[1] AND $pre[3] AND $pre[5] AND !in_array('#'.$tmp,$original)) { $original[] = '#'.$tmp; $replace[] = '#'.$pre[0].$pre[2].$pre[4]; } unset($pre,$tmp,$j,$k); $offset = $from; } } $the_css = str_ireplace($original,$replace,$the_css); $out = ''; foreach($the_css AS $a) $out .= $a; unset($original,$replace,$how_many,$offset,$from,$i,$a,$the_css); $out = implode('}',array_reverse(array_unique(array_reverse(explode('}',$out))))); // NOTE: This is beta! If you happen to have problems with the CSS, comment the above line // What it does is stripping out repeated declarations, which means that: // body{color:#000}p{background:#EEE}body{color:#000} // will result in: // p{background:#EEE}body{color:#000} return $out; } /* PRIVATE function that keep a log on all errors or notices */ private function error($errtype,$errmsg) { global $CSSErrors; $CSSErrors[] = array('type' => $errtype, 'errm' => $errmsg); } } ?>