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  Classes of Thomas Björk   udPattern   Download  
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Class: udPattern
A simple way to check strings against patterns.
Author: By
Last change: Update of
Date: 8 months ago
Size: 2,824 bytes


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Quick documentation

TestPattern($check, $easyTest, $delimiter)

Test a pattern against the registered patterns in the object.


returns a positive number for any accepted match

returns a negative number for any rejected match

returns 0 for any any test that doesn't match anything unless


is set to false, then it returns false for any unmatched test


the pattern to test


if set to false the test will return false if no matching found


the delimiter used

CleanPattern($pattern, $delimiter)

Clean up a pattern. Removes redundant information and reorders the pattern.


a clean pattern


the pattern to clean


the delimiter used

CheckPattern($pattern1, $pattern2, $delimiter)

Check is $pattern2 can be matched against $pattern1. Any wildcard in $pattern2 will be ignored.


true if match

false if not


the delimiter used


Set a pre-defined array of patterns.


a one-dimension array with patterns


the delimiter used

SetPatternString($pattern, $delimiter)

Set a string of patterns


a string of patterns


the delimiter used to separate patterns


Clear the internal pattern array

Add($pattern, $delimiter)

Add a pattern to the internal array. All patterns that are added will be cleaned and tested for redundancy.


the pattern to add


the delimiter used

Validation order

The validation of a pattern is made in the added order. First added is first checked. If you use the Add function then the added pattern vill be tested against previously added patterns. If the new pattern is redundant then it will not be added.


  • \* can be matched against any string
  • % can be matched against any string that doesn't contain the delimiter used
  • ? can be matched against one character that isn't equal to the delimiter
  • patterns that starts with \*.zzz.zzz match zzz.zzz
  • patterns that starts with %.zzz.zzz doesn't match zzz.zzz
  • patterns like zzz\*.zzz match zzzzz.zzz and zzz.zzz.zzz
  • patterns like zzz%.zzz match zzzzz.zzz but not zzz.zzz.zzz
  • patterns like \*%.zzz.zzz match zzz.zzz.zzz and zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz and .zzz.zzz but not zzz.zzz
  • patterns like \*?.zzz.zzz match zzz.zzz.zzz and zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz but not .zzz.zzz and zzz.zzz


  • \\ is redundant and replaced with \*
  • %% is redundant and replaced with %
  • .\.\ is redundant and replaced with .\*
  • \.\. is redundant and replaced with \*.
  • ?\is reordered to \?
  • ?% is reordered to %?
  • %\is reordered to \%

Note! In the sections Patterns and Cleaning the default $delimiter (.) is used.